Friday, December 18, 2009


Christmas is only seven days away right now and I can't wait until Jesus"s birthday. I am going to have fun with my family and friends but we will miss someone, someone so important to our family, Chase. This would be his very first Christmas, and I know my family will be a little sad. Nobody really knows what I mean sometimes but I am going to miss him more than I ever had. My family and I put up a tree just for Chase that was little but it meant a lot to us. It had some ornaments from the nurses in the hospital in Albuquerque that had taken care of Chase and pictures of Chase. But out of all the ornaments, my favorite happened to be a little sleeping angel that was a little baby boy wrapped around a little candle. It made me smile whenever I looked at it. That angel reminded me a lot about Chase. I miss him so much and Christmas will be so hard without him.


  1. I think that an angel ornament for Chase is a great idea! I have one on our tree that means that much to me too. Hugs to you as you get ready for CHRISTmas. We will get all of you together soon. :)

  2. Em, just want you to know we all are remembering our precious Pearson family of six -- little Chase is with us in our hearts always, and this Christmas will be just as special and more as your family continues to grow in strength and love. You are a very wise and thoughtful young lady. Wish I could give you big hugs and kisses right now :-) We miss you all, sweetie. Love ya, Gram
